[NEWS] ]The SHS Academic Year 2019-2020 ends, but what will happen to the grades?

Makati - Philippines Last March 12, 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte suspended the classes at all levels in Metro Manila for one month in line with the announcement of the community quarantine. This announcement has led the AMA Management to convert the remaining one month of classes in Virtual Class using the OEd or LMS platform. That is why the students are confused about seeing duplicates of subjects in their OEd account; one is blended and the other is virtual. To illustrate, the blended(BL) is the traditional modules and activities available since the first day of classes, while the virtual class (VC) is accessed only when their F2F teachers upload a lesson, modules, or even activities. Despite a great platform, the Department of Education released a memorandum last March 15, 2020, about the Guidelines for the Remainder of School Year 2019-2020 in Light of COVID-19 Measures (DepEd Memorandum no. 042 s.2020), which drove the AMAES to suspend the implementation of the ab...